Tuesday 1 July 2008

Big Brother: Jennifer Clark Abandoned Her Daughter To Appear on The Show

Big BrotherBig Brother housemate Jennifer Clark abandoned her baby and destroyed her marriage to appear on the reality show, her husband claims.

David Clark, 24, only knew his Big Brother -obsessed wife was a contestant on the Channel 4 show when he saw her on the TV during launch night.

He says, "I can't believe she's done this.

"She knew I didn't want her to go in because Maddy's so small. When I saw her on TV, I felt utter and total shock."

Speaking to Britain's News Of The World newspaper, David said his wife's thirst for fame started the summer their daughter Maddy was born�when they would stay in and watch Big Brother 7 every night.

He explains, "All she talked about was how she wanted to be in Big Brother.

"It became an obsession. She would read magazines and see Cheryl Cole's diamond ring or Victoria Beckham's flash necklace and want the same."

He added, "I couldn't believe she was prepared to leave her baby daughter for a TV show.

"I thought my wife was at her parents. But I turned on the TV and there she was, bold as anything, waltzing into the house.

"She has a lot of explaining to do�I don't know if we can ever patch this up.

"But I still adore her. You can't switch that off overnight."

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